Solas Retreats is exclusive programming of the Sacred Activism Community, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. 

A portion (50%) of your retreat experience is tax-deductible. If you would like to receive a donation letter, then the IRS requires that we collect your name, address, phone number, and email address. We invite you to become a member of the Sacred Activism Community.

A minimum of $25 a month will serve to fund scholarships for people who want to attend retreats yet need financial help. The donation also includes access to our Sacred Activism Community group chat.

Note: If PayPal does not work, you can send your donation via direct bank transfer using the information below:

Routing #: 104000016   Account #: 732315089

Contact Us

For more information on the development of Solas, upcoming events, hosting private retreats and more, email: